# Terminal capabilities quirk TERM linux caninsert quirk TERM rxvt no24bit quirk TERM cons25 nohideshow noaltscreen nomouse nounicode nobright quirk TERM sortix notitle quirk TERM tmux noscroll nobce quirk TERM screen no24bit noitalic quirk TERM toaru-vga no24bit noitalic quirk TERM xterm-256color caninsert canpaste cansgrmouse quirk TERM toaru caninsert canpaste cansgrmouse quirk TERMINAL_EMULATOR JetBrains nobce tabindicator » spaceindicator · rundir /usr/local/share/bim/themes colorscheme ansi colorscheme sunsmoke256 colorscheme sunsmoke global.git 1 global.statusbar 1 global.autohidetabs 1 smartcomplete 1function onload:bimcmd spaces tabstop 4 end function onload:c tabs tabstop 4 end function onload:* maxcolumn 80 end function onload:java maxcolumn 128 end function swapcss mapkey norm ^A swaphtml syntax css end function swaphtml mapkey norm ^A swapcss syntax xml end # Assume an XML file may be HTML and map ^A to swap between highlighters function onload:xml mapkey norm ^A swapcss end