#!/usr/bin/env kuroko
Day 8, Part 2

Part 1 removed, mostly because I didn't keep the code around for it.

## Common template, load data
import fileio, kuroko
let lines
with fileio.open(kuroko.argv[1] if len(kuroko.argv) > 1 else kuroko.argv[0].replace('.krk','.txt'),'r') as f:
    lines = [line.strip() for line in f.readlines()]

def bitand(c, m):
    for x in m:
        if x not in c:
            return False
    return True

def minus(candidate,mask):
    let out = []
    for c in candidate:
        if c not in mask:
    return out

let output = 0
for line in lines:
    let left, right = [x.strip() for x in line.split(' | ')]

    let stuff = left.split(' ')
    let outs = right.split(' ')

    let digits = {}

    let comb = [''.join(sorted(x)) for x in stuff]
    comb.extend([''.join(sorted(x)) for x in outs])

    # 1, 4, 7, 8 have Unique lengths
    for x in comb:
        if len(x) == 2:
            digits[1] = x
        else if len(x) == 3:
            digits[7] = x
        else if len(x) == 4:
            digits[4] = x
        else if len(x) == 7:
            digits[8] = x

    # 0, 9, and 6 have 6 segments and unique overlaps against 4 and 1
    for x in comb:
        if len(x) == 6:
            if bitand(x, digits[4]):
                digits[9] = x
            else if bitand(x, digits[1]):
                digits[0] = x
                digits[6] = x

    # 5 is the only 5-segment that overlaps with 6
    for x in comb:
        if len(x) == 5 and bitand(digits[6], x):
            digits[5] = x

    # 2 and 3 have different numbers of strokes that aren't on the right
    for x in comb:
        if len(x) == 5 and x != digits[5]:
            let count = len(minus(x,digits[1]))
            if count == 3:
                digits[3] = x
            else if count == 4:
                digits[2] = x

    let backwards = {}
    for k,v in digits.items():
        backwards[v] = str(k)

    let digit = ''.join(backwards[''.join(sorted(i))] for i in outs)
    output += int(digit)

# Part 2